From the Editor's Desk
Spiritual Leadership
I am amazed on a daily basis at how
much God blesses us at Family Friendly Gaming. Many times I receive
offers of products that I really have no idea what we will do with.
Some of them interest me personally, or some of the various team
members. Many are offered to us, and I prayerfully consider whether
we should cover it in some form or fashion. Spiritual Leadership is
a book by Henry & Richard Blackaby. You may recall a news story on
the Revised and Expanded Edition of this book.
Spiritual Leadership is one intense and deep book. The authors delve
into leadership from a variety of angles. The core of this book is
the spiritual leadership. What makes a spiritual leader? How are
they created? What are the pitfalls they face? How do they build a
legacy? What are the rewards that a spiritual leader will receive?
Where does God fit into a busy schedule? Numerous examples from the
lives of various leaders are used in the answers to all of these
Spiritual Leadership is not a book for every single person on the
planet. It is methodical, and academic. In fact Spiritual Leadership
is used by some places of learning. It is not the easiest book to
read, mainly because of the numerous examples in each lesson. It is
however a very rewarding book to read, especially if you are in any
position of leadership. Personally I never aspired toward any
position of leadership, and many times in my life have tried to
avoid it. Yet God has consistently put me in positions of authority.
The ultimate question I always have is - does it enrich your life
and draw you closer to God? For me Spiritual Leadership re-affirmed
many things I already knew. It also made me realize how blessed I
have been. Since many leaders had major tragedy in their lives. I
have not had an interest in any empire building. Yet God has grown
things beyond my wildest dreams. Spiritual Leadership contains a lot
of information. Will it help me as a leader? I sincerely hope so.
Does it help me understand what other leaders are going through?
Most definitely. In fact I know to do things to make their lives
easier instead of more difficult.
I feel it is appropriate to end my column on what is essentially the
beginning of the process for any Spiritual Leader. The relationship
with God. You have to know God's Will to be able to do it. You know
God's Will by spending time with Him. Studying the life and ministry
of Jesus Christ is a great place to pick up some pointers. Jesus was
constantly spending time with the Father. He would spend all night
in prayer. How many leaders spend an hour a day with God? So if you
want to know where to start - spend time with God.
God bless you and yours,
Paul Bury
Editor in Chief
Family Friendly Gaming