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 Video Game Lies



Future Glimpses Heart Home

 Family Friendly Gaming Devotional January

 Family Friendly Gaming Devotional February

Family Friendly Gaming Devotional April

FFG Original

Garfield #1

The Rising of the Shield Hero 17

Star Trek Prodigy Season 2

Paper Mario The Thousand-Year Door

Family Friendly Gaming Hall of Fame

How You Can Help


The first and foremost thing that all of us at Family Friendly Gaming need from you is your prayers. Pray that we are honoring to God, we are good emissaries for Christ, and that the Holy Spirit grants us wisdom and understanding. We greatly appreciate all of your prayers.

Ephesians 6:18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.

Colossians 1:9 For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you and asking God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding.


We have openings for a variety of family friendly companies to advertise their products on our website, in our magazine, and in our videos. Please go here for more information. Please support our advertisers with a click at the very least.


We are giving our readers the opportunity to donate to Family Friendly Gaming. That way we can continue to improve aspects of this ministry. We have a real heart for this ministry, and a heart to make things even better.



Use this handy little page to donate:


FFG Store

We get a small amount per item that sells. Please check out our store page here.


We get between one dollar and two dollars for each book that is sold. They are over in the right column. Autographed copies are available on our store page here.


Do you have a family friendly product? Do you need to reach a massive audience? Then sponsor Family Friendly Gaming. We can put one of your ads in with video(s). We can do mentions in a video. We can video review your product. We can do an Unboxing of your product. We can review your product. Please go here for more information.

Watch, Like and Comment

Watch our videos on the plethora of video sites we put videos on. Give those videos a like and a comment. All of those help us get revenue. We show all family friendly physical products that are sent to us in the FFG Haul Live Streams.

Social media

Keeping up with FFG on Social Media really helps us out. Following, liking, and subscribing helps us a lot. Here are links to all of them.

Family Friendly Gaming Facebook  Family Friendly Gaming Twitter  Family Friendly Gaming Youtube ISSUU Pinterest Patreon FFG DiscordTwitchRumble GAB  Parler

FFG Originals

Read the FFG Original stories and prayerfully consider any of the call to actions. Click here for more information. We also have FFG Original Video Series that could use a view. Click here for more information.

Click on Advertisements

FFG has a variety of advertisements, and sponsored news stories. In the right column, sometimes at the bottom of the page, and on the Updated News stories. If you click on one advertisement a day it helps us. Do not click on more than one a day though because we can get totally blocked from any payments in that situation.



Dance to my Song

Do you have a song you want FFG do a FFG Dance video to? Send us a message through the Contact Us page. Please no profanity in the songs.

YouTube Call to Action



Talk about FFG

Tell your friends and family about FFG. The more website hits we get the more interest advertisers will have. The same goes for all our social media. The more followers, viewers, and subscribers we have the more options we have in terms of bringing in family friendly advertisers. Clicking on our pages also helps us because it increases website hits.

Gift cards

Gift cards to Amazon, Walmart, Target, and Kroger are a tremendous help to us. We can use them to purchase equipment and gear we use on a daily basis.


If you have a product that you would like to be reviewed, please send it to us. Let us know if you want it on the website, magazine, videos, or all three. Physical products that are sent to us receive the first look at by our staff. The Contact Us page has the email addresses to request physical mail location. We do our best job to search the net to find new video games, but there is only so much time in the day, and things do fall through the cracks. By all means send us your physical products. No free apps/games without upfront payment!

Help Christian video game developers

Family Friendly Gaming is partnering with Christ Centered Game Reviews to help Christian video game developers. Christian video game developers have brought the gaming industry so many wonderful, important, and cutting edge video games. It comes at a high cost, and acquiring revenue is never easy. Click here for more information.


Provide Family Friendly Gaming written authorization (in the form of a webpage and/or email) allowing us to monetize videos. This can produce a few pennies a day from Google. It eventually does add up every couple of years.