150K Teens Nationwide Expected To Fast from Food this Weekend
SEATTLE, WA (April 27, in the year of our Lord 2011)-While an estimated two billion viewers worldwide Friday will be focused on London's Westminster Abbey and the royal wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton, more than 150,000 young Americans will use the weekend to take part in World Vision's 30 Hour Famine, the world's largest teen hunger awareness campaign. Since 1992, 30 Hour Famine has raised more than $140 million and involved more than 6 million teens in fighting global hunger.
Everyone from CNN's Anderson Cooper to NBC's Brian Williams will begin Royal Wedding coverage early morning Friday, as teens nationwide prepare for the 20th annual 30 Hour Famine, forsaking food for 30 hours to get a taste of what the world's poorest children face.Prior to the event, teens raise funds by explaining that $1 can help feed and care for a child a day. As they fast, teens consume only water and juice as they participate in local community service projects. In 2010, 30 Hour Famine raised $10.4 million with funds going to fight global hunger. This year's goal: $11 million. One billion people will go to bed hungry tonight. World Vision is a relief and development organization reaching more than 100 million people worldwide.
"Everyone seems to be paying attention to London right now," says Michele Tvedt, World Vision's 30 Hour Famine Manager. "But we continue to count on the remarkable commitment of young people. And they keep coming through." Tvedt has personally done The Famine for 13 years, adding up to more than 390 hours over the years. (Michele is available for interviews).
Where does 30-Hour Famine money go? Haiti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Uganda, Sudan, South Sudan, Mauritania, Pakistan, Zambia, Zimbabwe and other targeted spots. For info:, call 800-7-FAMINE or visit our facebook fan page at
30-Hour Famine highlights weekend of April 29-30 in these and other cities:
Fort Lauderdale, FL - 90 kids, Goal to raise $5,000 for Haiti
Dallas, TX - 80 kids, sleeping in tents, working in community gardens, Goal to raise $3,000
Middleton, NJ - 50 kids sleeping in cardboard shelter, building 5,000 emergency relief meals
Seattle, WA - Youth Group has raised more than $90,000 since 30HF efforts there began