Dutch game developer saves over twenty-five million animals
Amersfoort, The Netherlands, February 10th in the year
of our Lord 2011 - It is not often that you find a game
developer with such a strong commitment to preserving mother
nature's creations. The company has historically put its weight
behind search and rescue operations to save rare eggs from
extinction, but has recently shifted towards helping out newly
discovered species of animals*.
"Over the last decade, we noticed eggs have developed
greatly improved survival-rates" said Creature Director
Collin van Ginkel, "We'd like to think our actions have had
a positive influence on this development and we are now focusing
our efforts on saving some truly unique animals."
The animals in question have recently been discovered, en-caged
in small frozen prisons, which puts them in danger of being
eaten by their natural enemies. Two Tribes has made it a top
priority to set these animals free. For the uninitiated, Two
Tribes has released several short documentaries on the life of
these animals:
"We are extremely pleased to have reached the twenty-five
million mark this quickly", says Martijn Reuvers,
Preservation Manager at Two Tribes, "it has exceeded our
wildest expectations. To celebrate, we have placed a real-time
animal counter on our website and will give away free games at
the thirty-million mark."
To enter the contest, visit:
* You can set the animals free by
playing Two Tribes' latest iPhone game called
"Swap This!"