Open Emotion Launches Revoltin Youth for PSP Mini
Limerick, Ireland - (September 28, in the year of our
Lord 2011) - Video Game Developer Open Emotion Studios
today launched its puzzle platformer PSP Mini, Revoltin' Youth.
It's the story of three unruly personalities who come together
to battle it out with the Evil 'Big Wig,' an evil "BADvertiser"
who has covered the youths' town in brainwashing advertising.
Cole, Badger, and Kamiko each possess unique abilities enabling
them to solve 50 levels of puzzles in order to progress through
the game. The game is now available through the PlayStation
Network for a price of $1.99.
"Players are going to really enjoy the unique qualities that
Revoltin' Youth brings to the market," said Paddy Murphy, CEO of
Open Emotion Studios. "The game is the perfect combination of
retro graphics and a soundtrack that really mirrors the feel of
the gameplay."
Revoltin' Youth is a new puzzle/platformer from Open Emotion
Studios. The evil Big-Wig has covered the characters town in
crummy marketing gibberish and it is up to the player to control
the three characters through 50+ levels of headache inducing
puzzles. The game features a unique pixel-art style and a robust
chiptune soundtrack with composers including Sabrepulse, George
and Jonathan and 8BitLegend.