Opening Day for SEGA MLB Manager Online Announced
SAN FRANCISCO - April 1, in the year of our Lord 2011
-- SEGAź of America, Inc. announced that today is “opening day”
for MLB Manager Online™, its free-to-play, browser-based,
baseball game—available at —in which
players compete in real online baseball leagues.
Players will compete in online league play with a fantasy team
based on active Major League players—over 900 players
representing all 30 teams. Users will scout, trade, train, and
manage their professional squads as they compete for a
championship. Through the MLB Manager Online community users
will be able to perfect their teams, set up trades, and talk
baseball with in-game chat features.
MLB Manager Online is designed for year-round competition in
exhibition, league and tournament play while letting users focus
on managing their teams. League play consists of multiple
16-team divisions competing in a full-season of games in 10-day
tournaments. At the end of each season, the best teams from each
division move on to the post-season where they will compete for
a championship.. After the post-season is over, a new season
begins and users can compete all over again.
Fully licensed by MLB Advanced Media (MLBAM), the interactive
media and Internet company of Major League Baseball, and the
Major League Baseball Players Association (MLBPA), MLB Manager
Online can be enjoyed by seasoned veterans and rookies alike.
“We at SEGA wanted to create an enjoyable and engaging game for
both hardcore fantasy baseball fans, as well as baseball
enthusiasts who want a quick and easy way to enjoy baseball,
regardless of the time of year,” said Haruki Satomi, VP of
Digital Business of SEGA of America. “MLB Manager Online offers
a fun and unique multiplayer online baseball experience without
being tied down to daily stats necessary for traditional fantasy
sports games.”
Aspiring baseball managers are encouraged to join online at