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BEN 10 Galactic Racing Now Available on the PlayStation Vita System


Feb. 15, in the year of our Lord 2012 - D3Publisher’s BEN 10 Galactic Racing is now available on PlayStation Vita! Based on the popular BEN 10 series on Cartoon Network, BEN 10 Galactic Racing is the first BEN 10 game to be released for the Vita system.

D3Publisher (D3P) and Cartoon Network Enterprises (CNE) today announced that BEN 10 Galactic Racing is now available in North America for the PlayStationŽVita system. BEN 10 Galactic Racing is the first racing game based on the popular BEN 10 television series on Cartoon Network, and the first PlayStationŽVita system launch title to be released from the BEN 10 franchise.

BEN 10 Galactic Racing, for the PlayStationŽVita system, is enhanced to highlight the interactivity features of the new platform. Players can guide the kart in any direction on the track by tilting the device which showcases the fine-tuned motion sensors. They can also use the front touch panel to navigate menus and rear touch panel to perform mid-air stunts and do flips and tricks to increase their chances of winning the race. Using the PlayStationŽVita system ad-hoc multiplayer setting, gamers can race against Ben, Kevin or 13 fan-favorite aliens and speed their way to a championship with up to four players.

BEN 10 Galactic Racing is developed by Monkey Bar Games and is rated “E” (“Everyone – Comic Mischief and Mild Cartoon Violence”) by the ESRB.

The Vita version is enhanced to highlight the interactivity features on the new platform:

Six-axis motion sensors allow the player to steer their kart in any direction by tilting the device.
Players can use the front touch panel for menus and the rear touch panel to perform a number of mid-air stunts, flips, and tricks that will increase their chances of winning the race.
With your friends via ad-hoc multiplayer, pit Ben or Kevin in a race against any of the 13 fan-favorite aliens in the PlayStationŽVita system game for up to four players.

To find out more about BEN 10 Galactic Racing, please visit www.Ben10thevideogame.com and www.facebook.com/D3Publisher.


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