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COMEDY CENTRALs Indecision Game Now Available on iOS and Android


Political Battle of Wits Kept Honest by Ballot Peeks, Smear Campaigns and Recounts

New York, NY - July 10, in the year of our Lord 2012 - In an election year polarized by wealth, race, gender, overtaxation, and religion, 2K Play and Comedy Central are proud to launch COMEDY CENTRAL'S Indecision Game, a new app for iPhone, iPad, iPod touch and Android, including Amazon's Kindle Fire. Designed to add a new wrinkle to the partisan divide: Who's really smarter - Democrats, Republicans or Independents? - the game is a fast-paced battle of wits where players must out-smart their friends by correctly answering political questions and earning voters to eke out an Election Day victory.

Gamers select their political affiliation and outfit their avatar by shopping for a range of party-inspired costumes and curiosities - from "COMEDY CENTRAL Donkelphant" trucker hats to "'I See Russia' specs" to the sporty "O-Bomber" jacket - using "Greenbacks," the in-game currency. Patriots can even acquire a Statue of Liberty costume, complete with robe, crown and torch. Players then go head-to-head with their opponent to answer humorous, politically-themed questions against a relentless ticking clock.

Correct responses earn players "Voters" that must be strategically placed on the game's "Big Map" of the United States. State domination results in a "Smarts" victory for both the player and their party. In the heat of the campaign, players can rely on "Political Aides" for help, including stealing a state from opponents or demanding a "Recount". Real-time results are displayed in the game's "Election Headquarters" so there will be no hiding which party is the smartest - whether the margin is by a hair or a landslide.

"2K Play is excited to partner with COMEDY CENTRAL to bring COMEDY CENTRAL's Indecision Game to iPhone, iPad, iPod touch and Android," said Steve Lux, Vice President of Business Development for 2K Play. "As the real world race heats up between Obama and Romney, it's refreshing to play a game where smarts count and ballot peeks, smear campaigns, filibusters and investigative committees are all part of an honest day's work."

"COMEDY CENTRAL is thrilled to work with 2K Play for the launch of the Indecision mobile game. This innovative strategy and trivia game further expands the network's Indecision brand on multiple platforms," said Dan Yang, Senior Vice President & General Manager, 345 Games. "As we close in on the race to the White House, we'll be excited to see who will win this battle of political intellect-Democrats, Republicans or Independents!"

Developed by 2K's Cat Daddy Games studio, COMEDY CENTRAL's Indecision Game allows political junkies the chance to play with friends using Game Center or Facebook, or be instantly matched against a random politico.

Comedy Central's Indecision Game App is available for free from the App Store on iPhone, iPad and iPod touch or at http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/comedy-centrals-indecision/id515143187?ls=1&mt=8.

The game is also available for free on the Amazon Appstore for Android, including a Kindle Fire edition, and on Google Play.

Please visit us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/IndecisionGame or follow 2K Play on Twitter (www.twitter.com/2KPlay).

2K Play is a division of 2K, a publishing label of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. (NASDAQ:TTWO).