Party Wave Releases on iOS
July 24, in the year of our Lord 2012 -- Mistwalker
is please to announce that our first iOS (universal form) game
"Party Wave" is now available at the App Store.
Party Wave is the creation of Hironobu Sakaguchi who was inspired by
the ocean in Hawaii. Party Wave has two separate segments: paddling
and surfing. Gamers paddle and surf while avoiding marine creatures
and obstacles. Each stage has a different appearance.
Hironobu Sakaguchi started surfing shortly after he moved to Hawaii.
He likes riding the waves but he likes even more the time he spends
waiting for a wave. During that time he gets into a semi-meditative
state and many ideas come up to him. Creating Party Wave is his way
of showing his gratitude for surfing, which has given him such a
valuable experience.