Plants vs Zombies Sequel Set to Spring 2013
SEATTLE, Washington – August 20, in the year of our Lord
2012 — PopCap Games, maker of some of the world’s most
popular video game franchises and a division of EA, today
announced that the underground growth of the sequel to Plants
vs. Zombies™, one of the world’s most popular video games, is
germinating and advancing with rigor.
The sequel to Plants vs. Zombies is expected to launch by late
spring 2013, and will include a bevy of new features, settings,
and situations, designed to delight the franchise’s tens of
millions of fans around the world. No other details of the
highly anticipated new installment in the franchise are
available at this time, beyond the following comments from some
of the game’s denizens.
“Spring is crullest curlie ungood time, and plantz grow dull
roots,” noted an unidentified spokesperson. “So, we are meating
you for brainz at yore house. No worry to
skedule schedlue plan…
we're freee anytime. We'll find you.”
“There was a time we relished a bracing, hearty blend of
zombies, in the morning,” said Sonny F. Lower, a representative
of the Flora Forever Foundation. “But first, a brisk shower and
some strategic pruning are required. Tomorrow is near!”
Known for its quirky, one-of-a-kind blend of art, humor, polish
and attention to detail, PopCap has been a mainstay of casual,
mobile and social gaming for more than a decade. More than a
billion people around the world have played PopCap’s video
games, including the award-winning, blockbuster franchises
Plants vs. Zombies, Bejeweled®, Zuma®, Peggle® and Bookworm®.
The breadth of PopCap’s audience is similarly impressive, as its
games appeal equally to both genders and all ages.
About PopCap
PopCap Games is the leading global developer, publisher and
operator of casual video games: fun, easy-to-learn, captivating
games that appeal to all ages across PC, mobile, social and
other platforms. Based in Seattle, Washington, PopCap was
founded in 2000, was acquired by Electronic Arts in 2011, and
has a worldwide staff of more than 600 people in Seattle, San
Francisco, Vancouver, B.C., Dublin, Seoul, Shanghai and Tokyo.
PopCap's games have been downloaded over 1.5 billion times by
consumers worldwide, and its flagship franchise, Bejeweled®, has
sold more than 50 million units.
Bejeweled, Bookworm, Peggle, Plants vs. Zombies, Zuma and PopCap
are trademarks of Electronic Arts Inc.