Kingdom Rush Frontiers Invades iOS Next Week
MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay - May 28, in the year of our Lord
2013 - Ironhide Game Studio, the conniving,
time-sucking, and altogether devious developer behind the rather
excellent Kingdom Rush, furthered its plans for world domination
today by announcing Kingdom Rush: Frontiers, launching June 6 on
iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. A brand-new adventure set in the
same lovable world of knights and goblins, Kingdom Rush:
Frontiers is primed to make another assault on your free time.
The sequel expands on the fast-paced tower defense gameplay and
intoxicating charm that took the world by storm in the original
Kingdom Rush. Cancel your plans… reinforce!!
A pinnacle of the tower-defense genre with numerous updates and
millions of fans, Kingdom Rush: Frontiers is the game’s official
sequel. It’s armed to the teeth with all the features that made
the original an award-winning hit, while adding dozens of new
levels, towers, heroes, enemies, and, lest we forget, stylish
ways to smash those enemies into bloody bits.
Just like an upgraded artillery tower, Kingdom Rush: Frontiers
is (Scottish accent) “FULLY LOADED!” with the following
Eight New Special Towers -- Complement the classic towers with
assassins, necromancers, and even earthquake machines… shake
things up, literally.
Exotic New Levels -- Batten down the hatches and defend over a
dozen levels like dangerous deserts, underground caves, and lush
jungles. Oh, and by “lush,” we mean “full of man-eating plants.”
Feed me, Seymour.
A Whole New Horde -- Bomb, snipe and cut down more than 40
enemies, from giant scorpions to angry gorillas. No need to
worry about regular-sized scorpions and slumbering chimps, mind
A Heap of Heroes -- Bring down the hammer with nine new heroes
like Cronan the Beastmaster and Sha’Tra the Alien Predator, all
with fully customizable upgrades.
Bells and Whistles... and Giant Sandworms -- You like Easter
eggs? We got ‘em. 70 achievements, unlockable weapons, and even
a Black Dragon that will set your enemies on fire -- all that
and plenty more.