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Top 5 Games that Promote Service



Cordova, TN; July 22, in the year of our Lord 2014--Family Friendly Gaming, the industry leader in covering the family friendly video games is looking at the top five video games that promote service. One of the biggest problems in our society and culture is selfishness. That is combated with serving others. Want an example of serving others? Look at what we do with Family Friendly Gaming. We are serving others with all of our work on this magazine, and website. We don’t charge you for all of that work. We are serving you. We came up with a list of the top five games that teach serving others. Time Management games like Diner Dash were considered for this article.

5. Animal Crossing
Animal Crossing may seem like an odd choice to start off with. Especially when some people play the game only for themselves. There is a fine example of service in Animal Crossing though. You can be the Fedex delivery man or woman for your town. Do not confuse that with the pelican mailman. You can find lost items, and return them to their owner. You can take items from one character in Animal Crossing to another one. There are a wide variety of chores you can do for others in Animal Crossing. There is also the museum, where you help the owl by filling it all up. Much of what we do in Animal Crossing is for others.

4. Where's My Water?
Where’s My Water? may also seem like a strange choice at first. We are using our fingers to make dirt disappear. How is that service? Our friendly little alligator is waiting for water in the bath tub. Whether he takes a bath or shower is irrelevant. He needs us to provide him the water. Thus we are serving him. Level after level we help him out. Does it surprise you to find out Where’s My Water earned the Family Friendly Gaming seal of approval? It earned it for its unique, innovative play, and for being able to serve others. Where’s My Water? is safe for the entire family.

3. The Bible Game
Yes The Bible Game is part quiz show, and part party game compilation. It also teaches us a plethora of important key components to service. The Holy Bible is filled with examples and instructions on serving others. The Bible Game is filled with content from the Holy Bible. So it stands to reason there are plenty of lessons in service in The Bible Game. Whether you play it on the Playstation 2 (PS2), Xbox, or Gameboy Advance; you will find wonderful lessons in The Bible Game. You will also find an entertaining time that is safe for the entire family. If you want to start thinking about service, playing The Bible Game is a good place to start.

2. Interactive Parables
There are multiple different versions of Interactive Parables on the Personal Computer (PC). There is even a Spanish version. Interactive Parables is a fun indie game where families work there way through elaborate mazes with a variety of hazards. Doors are opened by answering questions properly. What kinds of questions? Ones that come straight from the Holy Bible. Again we are learning all about service, and serving others. Is it any wonder Interactive Parables earned the Family Friendly Gaming seal of approval? It is also one of the highest scoring video games of all time. Interactive Parables teaches wonderful lessons on serving others.

1. Kinectimals
Techincally you could probably take any animal care video game. Kinectimals just happens to be one of the best ones on the market. Kinectimals is one of the few video games to ever earn a perfect one hundred score from Family Friendly Gaming. Yes it also earned the Family Friendly Gaming seal of approval. Kinectimals is safe, fun, fresh, and all about caring for an animal that needs you. Are your kids ready to have a pet? Try them on Kinectimals first and see how they do. If they can handle the responsibility in a video game, then they should be ready for the real thing in the real world.

God bless,
Paul Bury
Family Friendly Gaming


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