Why Physical Copies are better than Downloads
Cordova, TN; May 23, in the year of our Lord 2014--Family
Friendly Gaming, the industry leader in covering the family
friendly video games is completely behind physical copies of
video games, television shows, and movies. While the rest of the
industry is repeating what the companies say, Family Friendly
Gaming is thinking for themselves. Family Friendly Gaming
continues to be an advocate for the rights of consumers. Even if
we are the only gaming site willing to take a bold, important,
and appropriate stance on this issue. This is an opinion piece.
Almost every news story on every gaming site is an opinion piece
of some form.
Trade, give a way, and sell games
When you have a physical copy of a game in your possession you
can trade it with others. You can give a physical copy of a game
away to charities, or even as a gift to a family member. You can
also sell that physical copy of a game to recoup some of the
money you spent on the game in the first place. None of this can
be down with a download version of a game. Unless you trade,
give a way, or sell the entire device it is on - like a hard
drive or the entire system. Even then some games are tied to one
account like the Wii, Wii U, and Nintendo 3DS. Physical copies
are so much better in this realm.
See a game and decide to play it
I see a game laying down, or in a pile, and say: “hey I want to
play that.” It is simple, easy and convenient. With a download
game, I have to turn a machine on, and scroll (as long as it is
currently on that machine and has not been deleted due to lack
of space issues). There is an old phrase: “out of sight, out of
mind.” When I do not see a game, I do not think of it. I am not
interested in playing what I do not see. When I see a game case,
I get way more interested in playing it, than an icon on a
system. Plus I generally go to a system wanting to play a
specific game. A physical copy of a game. Again physical copies
are the way to go.
More space outside than in hard drives
I don’t know about you, but I am constantly having to delete
games on video game systems because there is not enough room to
download something else. We have way more space in the real
world for physical copies than space on the hard drives of these
machines. Plus there is the problem of Internet usage limits by
the ISP. Only so much memory can be downloaded in a month or a
hefty fine is sent our way. With a physical copy of a game I
don’t have to worry about that. I pop it in, and start playing.
No Internet usage drain with physical copies.
Believe it or not, video games, DVDs, Blu-rays, and more are
collectible items. There are rare video games that return a nice
return on your financial investment. That is if you own a
physical copy. You are not going to collect downloadable games,
and make massive money off of them. Plus who cares to watch you
boot up all kinds of different machines to show off a
collection? Take them into a gaming room with thousands of
games, and memorabilia - watch their eyes light up at the
collection you have created. Plus it is always a treat to look
at your own collection from time to time. Pick out an older
game, and have a retro session. Only with physical copies of
Use on multiple machines
When you download a video game, it is then tied down to that
machine. But when you have a physical copy of a game you can
take it out, and use it on another machine. The Nintendo 3DS
needs to charge and you do not want to be wired to the outlet.
Let it charge, and play the game on the Nintendo 2DS. That is as
long as you have a physical copy of the game. You can take your
physical copies of games to a friends house and swap games out
during a fun gaming sessions. No fussing that they are
mistreating your expensive hand held device. If you want to use
the same game on more than one machine you need a physical copy.
Art work on cases and manuals
People consistently talk about the artwork inside video games.
Have you spent the time looking at the art work inside the cases
and manuals? Pretty neat looking. Plus there is all this
wonderful information found within the manuals. I know some
companies have created online versions of manuals, and even
allow gamers to look at them on the television screen. Well
squint at them may be more appropriate since they are hard to
see. There is something special about physically turning the
page of a manual. There is something majestic about holding a
case in your hand. Downloads take away that feeling, and make
the products disposable. The value is lessened with downloads.
Physical copies provide so much more, and a better experience.
God bless,
Paul Bury
Family Friendly Gaming