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App Game Kit Version 2 Releases



October 31, in the year of our Lord 2015 -- The Game Creators today released App Game Kit Version 2.0.15. This significant key release adds many new features including animated 3D features, Bullet physics support and Assimp 3D model format importing. Developers can now take their app ideas into the third dimension and have projects up and running in record time.

AppGameKit is available for both Windows, Mac and Linux platforms and apps can be deployed cross platform including iOS, Android, Windows, Blackberry, Mac and Linux. The pay once, royalty free price also drops down to an even more affordable $79!

The Game Creators Development Director, Rick Vanner, said “The new 3D engine has been eagerly awaited by our community and they’ve already started creating demos and games with it. We’re very excited to see what users do with all this new power.”

Alongside this release are four new DLCs that complement the core AppGameKit product. There are two detailed user guides that are designed and written to take any novice coder and turn them into an expert game developer in easy-to-follow steps. Witten by educationalist Alistair Stewart, the Guides are available in two versions; the Official AppGameKit Beginners Guide ($29.99) for novice users, and the Official AppGameKit User Guide ($39.99) covering many more programming subjects.

To aid developers two Giant Asset Packs are also being launched today. They are packed to the rafters with thousands of sprites, backdrops and sample demo projects. Users can incorporate any of the assets into their projects for just $19.99 each.

Lee Bamber, CEO of The Game Creators, said "AppGameKit is the perfect choice for beginners and professionals looking to create cross platforms apps, combining an easy to learn programming language with a powerful and flexible engine capable of turning your ideas into reality. Supported by a fantastic community and a wealth of additional resources, such as a 900-page full-color user guide and thousands of assets via the DLCs, help is here if you need it."


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