Lost A Sale
Cordova, TN; May 1, in the year of our Lord 2015--Family
Friendly Gaming, the industry leader in covering the family
friendly video games is revealing a consumer attitude/opinion on
a recent trend found in retail stores. Have you seen any of
these video game cases that have this text at the top:
“Downloadable Game Voucher.” The second line states: “No Game
Card Included. Memory Card and Access to Playstation Network
Required.” That means there are video game cases being sold at
retail that only contain a download code. The consumer that
purchases such a product has to pay for the downloading of the
game, and only gets a digital copy. Consumers lose their rights
to sell, barter, and trade their own purchased property.
Family Friendly Gaming has been a long time supporter of the
physical copy movement. We embrace physical copies of video
games. We embrace consumer rights. We embrace consumers being
able to buy, sell, trader, and barter physical copies of video
games. This new deceptive scheme to sell video game cases with
no physical video game is confusing and highly misleading. It
almost caught me at a local retail chain until Yolanda pointed
out there was something strange on the front cover. Thankfully I
did not waste the money on the deceptive download only product.
I saw MLB 15 The Show on the Playstation Vita for $19.99. That
may be a bit over inflated as a video game price, however I was
willing to pay it for a video game cartridge that was released
recently. Once I realized Sony was up to their old deceptive
business practices yet again, I left the product at retail. Sony
lost a sale because it is not a physical copy. Sony (and any
other company trying this deceptive business practice) will
continue to lose sales from the physical copy movement because
we won’t buy empty cases to games with no game cartridge/disc
inside. I have written this article as a public service
announcement so Family Friendly Gaming Universe is now aware of
this. Look at the top and bottom of video game cases to see if
you will actually get a game with your purchase or not.
God bless,
Paul Bury
Family Friendly Gaming