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Joyful President's Day from Christian Games NOW



Joyful Presidents Day!

God bless you!

Honor Past Presidents: As we honor the past presidents of the USA, it is obvious that they were patriots, especially the early ones. Being president is obviously a very tough job, so we are thankful that these men took that burden. Honor them today by feeling proud of our country and flag.

A great way to learn about the early founders is the Christian Founders game - see details below.

Patriots - those who serve: It is impossible to honor our presidents without acknowledging the troops - through their patriotic service, they have kept this country free so that we can hold elections and put leaders in place as the Constitution outlined. Thank you so much for your service!

Made in USA: Most of the games are designed by teams in the USA. On our 'to do' list is to tag those on the web site with an American flag. But there are a few that have International Teams. For example, the team that designed Timothy & Titus lives in Australia. And their programming team lives in the Philippines No matter where located, please be praying for God to bless the hard-working developers..

A Special offer for Patriots and everyone - 20% off Sunday Software Titles!

Patriotic Games Exist
Red, White & Blue is a game that teaches about USA's flag while you a playing a fun and challenging game! Christian Founders teaches about the founding fathers of America and early delegates - that they were Christian! All in a fun 3D game with 20 different maps to choose from. Runs on Windows.

Heaven Quest - one of our oldest games
Of all the games we ship - this one was done in 1998! But still a popular one! Heaven Quest allows you to play up to four players from the Garden of Eden to Golgotha in this neat computerized board game. Pick up Bible Buddies along the way to help you as you face temptations and answer questions from the Bible (three translations included). A game that rewards you to pray!! And if you have any issues running on your newer machine, there is a patch available on our http://ChristianGamesNOW.com web site.

Learn about the books of John
Interactive Bible: Letters of John is a fun, non-violent 3D game with 11 lessons covering the entire Biblical Book of James. There are 20 different maps to choose from so hours and hours of gameplay. The player collects keys, gems and power-up stars while testing the truth of pitfalls while answering questions based on the lesson at hand.

Other Interactive Bible titles available are: Parables, James, 1 & 2 Peter, Colossians, Philippians, 1 & 2 Timothy.

Guitar Praise
Grab the guitar and play along with your favorite bands—tobyMac, Skillet, Stellar Kart, Newsboys —and many more. Strum along to the onscreen cues – press the fret buttons and advance through 4 levels of difficulty. As an expert, your fingers will be flyin’—hitting all 5 buttons and playing the chords like a pro! Includes over 50 pulsating hits by top Christian artists. Jam with a fellow rocker with 2-player action – either both on lead guitar or one on lead, one on bass. (But there is only one physical guitar type) Sing along with the onscreen lyrics. Includes wireless guitar controller, guitar and software. Has not been verified on Windows 10 yet (let us know if you have tried). The official system requirements as outlined on the product package is:

Windows Vista or XP
1 GHz processor
650 MB HDD
32 MB 3D Video Card
USB Port
CD-ROM Drive

Mac OS X 10.3 or later
1 GHz processor
650 MB HDD
USB port
CD-ROM Drive


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