Let Us Play
Cordova, TN; May 1, in the year of our Lord 2017--Family
Friendly Gaming, the industry leader in covering the family
friendly video games is bringing awareness to an issue within
the video game industry. What is this issue? Should you care? Do
you care? Well that depends on you. Hopefully after reading this
article you will care. I am sick and tired of video game systems
and games constantly updating. Let us play. I am tired of
downloads, installations, and reboots required on video game
consoles before we can play a game. It seems like every single
time I turn around some video game or video game system wants to
update. Enough is enough already. We only have so much time, and
we should be able to totally opt out of updates if we see fit.
I do not know what is so important that our game play time has
to be constantly interrupted for downloads, and installations. I
do not get it. Why? Could someone out there please explain it to
me? What annoys me even more is when the update is for some paid
DLC that I will never, and I MEAN EVER purchase. You interrupt
us being able to use the products we paid for to advertise to
us? How rude is that? I feel I should get paid for them to
advertise to me. They pay for advertisements on television,
radio, magazines, newspapers, billboards, bus stops, train
stops, and more. Why is our time so much less in terms of value?
Why are they allowed to advertise to us for free? These mega
video game companies already have enough money. They could
easily pay for the advertisements to us.
When I want to play something, I want to play it. I always have
a limited amount of time to play whatever game. I do not need
them interfering with that, just to download and then install
some update. What is worse is when they have to reboot as well.
This issue has gotten worse as more things have gone digital.
Some companies even believe in releasing bug filled software and
fix things as they go for years. No thank you. I totally
disagree with this approach. Do your best to get it right the
first time. I do not want you constantly interrupting video game
play so you can finally get around to fixing something.
Continuous programming is not part of what I want to experience
as a consumer. We are the ones who need to speak out if we can
hope to get some change. Do you care now? Will you say something
about this issue?
God bless,
Paul Bury
Family Friendly Gaming