Yooka-Laylee GOG Giveaway
Cordova, TN; April 10, in the year of our Lord 2017--
Family Friendly Gaming, the industry leader in covering the
family friendly video games is announcing an exciting
opportunity for your family. What is this opportunity? It is a
chance to win a free copy of Yooka-Laylee on Family
Friendly Gaming has been enjoying Yooka-Laylee for some time
now. We know this Banjo-Kazooie clone has a lot of entertainment
value for families. The full review is coming straight online in
early April. Collecting items, and completing a variety of
quests in this action adventure game brings back memories of
Nintendo 64 Rare video games. This time we have a lizard and a
bat to help us explore a strange fantasy world. There is plenty
of character in Yooka-Laylee.
I get approached by a lot of people asking me to do a lot of
things. When someone from contacted me I was initially
swamped and not interested. You have no idea how many offers
come my way that are just bad. I decided to give it a chance. I
thought the least I could do was hear more. When I was told it
was a partnership to give away codes for Yooka-Laylee I knew I
could do the extra work. Family Friendly Gaming is presented to
a variety of different people who (hopefully) have never heard
of us before. Families can get a chance for a free code for
Yooka-Laylee. gets exposure to Family Friendly Gaming
Universe. It is a win all around. So if you are interested in
trying to win a few code, click on the link below.
God bless,
Paul Bury
Family Friendly Gaming
UPDATE {04/19/2017}: All codes have been given away. Thank
you everyone for your participation.