Must Buy Bad with Good
Cordova, TN; April 2, in the year of our Lord 2018--Family
Friendly Gaming, the industry leader in covering the family
friendly video games is focusing on an interesting aspect of
entertainment that needs an upgrade. This involves movies,
television shows, and video games. We are forced to purchase the
bad content with the good content. Why are we denied choice in
entertainment? Why can’t we only pay for the good parts of
movies, television shows and video games? Compare this to food
for example. Let us say you go to a restaurant and you are
allergic to cheese. You can tell them you want to have cheese
removed from the order. The restaurant will do as you request.
Why are they capable of good service and entertainment is not?
Have you ever taken the time to contemplate and analyze that?
Generally movie producers will claim it costs too much money to
provide different versions of shows. Yet they can edit them for
television viewing. So why can’t we purchase the television
version of these movies? Why are we denied choice? Why do we
have to accept whatever they came up with? As entertainment goes
more digital it should be easy to have different versions of
products. I understand it might be more difficult with physical
copy versions. Why should it be more difficult though? Why can’t
we select what we want and then order it from a website? Think
about that for a minute. I can mix and match what kind of Xbox
One controller I want including color. Why can’t I do the same
thing with a game? Why am I denied that choice?
Do you wonder what kinds of things I would like to remove from
video games I purchase? I would love to remove the bad language,
blood, nudity, enticement to lust, sexual deviancy, lack of
attire, and over the top violence. I would love to have the
choice to have that content removed before I purchase the game?
I would love to remove all of the same content in television
shows and movies I purchase. Why do these one percenters deny me
that choice? Why do they get to decide what I will and won’t pay
for? I would love to vote with my dollars. I would love to show
them the content that does and does not sell. They are control
freaks that deny us choice. What do you think? Would you like
the choice to decide what you will and won’t pay for? Would you
like to only pay for the good and remove all of the bad?
I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day.
God bless,
Paul Bury
Family Friendly Gaming
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