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Light Side of Gaming - Retro Gamers



Cordova, TN; December 23, in the year of our Lord 2019 -- Family Friendly Gaming, the industry leader in covering the family friendly video games is continuing our cool new series. This is the Light Side of gaming. The Dark Side of gaming has been around for some time now. To be fair and balanced we should also touch upon the good, wonderful, and awesome things happening in the video game industry. There have been stories in the past on the positive things. I do not recall given them a label for Family Friendly Gaming to rally behind. That is what this series will be and attempt to do. I say attempt because we are far from perfect. I am far from perfect. Let us keep going on this series.

There have been plenty of good, fun, interesting, fascinating, cool, and great video games made since PONG first came out. Very few people have experienced all of these memorable video game experiences. Usually older video games are much less expensive than the new video games. Put these two things together and you got a formula for why retro video games are flourishing. I have been to cool retro video game specific conferences to see there is new development on older systems.

I love to see retro gaming thrive. I completely understand having limited resources. I completely comprehend the anger at the control freak nature of too many modern day video game companies. I feel your pain when you just want to play off of disc or cartridge. Retro gaming does not have connections to servers. Retro gaming does not force players to update games before playing them. If there were bugs in those games we dealt with them. The quality was usually better back in the day because companies had to get it right the first time.

I love going back and having fun experiences on older games. There are still certain older games that I play to this day. If I had more time for them I would do even more retro video games. I have Twitch and Youtube streamed numerous retro video games. I plan on continuing that practice as opportunities arise. We get all kinds of feedback on retro games. We bring nostalgia to a lot of people. Every time money gets tight we focus on retro video games. We review a variety of retro games on our website and in the magazine/e-magazine. Retro video games is a great way families can save money and still having some video game entertainment.

I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day.

God bless,
Paul Bury
Family Friendly Gaming

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