Kill It With Fire Announced
Seattle – 28 April, in the year of our Lord 2020. Developer Casey Donnellan Games LLC and publisher tinyBuild are excited to announce that Kill It With Fire is coming to PC in July 2020. Kill It With Fire is a first-person action game about hunting spiders and causing collateral damage.
To give you a taste of what's coming later this Summer, we just released a playable teaser, Kill It With Fire: Ignition. It features about half hour of gameplay depending on your level of spider hunting experience. Try it out!
The spider is a mankind’s most ancient and deadly nemesis. As a licensed Kill It With Fire exterminator, it’s time to fight back! Gather your arsenal and pursue the eight-legged menace on a journey across time and suburbia.
To defeat spiders you must exploit their one weakness: FIRE. Or bullets. Or explosions, throwing stars, gettin’ smushed by stuff... pretty much anything, really. But that doesn’t mean it’ll be easy – first you’ve gotta find the spiders. Use state-of-the-art arachnid tracking technology to pinpoint your quarry’s location among hundreds of potential hiding spots - then, torch everything and smash the spider with a frying pan after it runs out. It’s the only way to be sure.
Key highlights:
Dozens of weapons.
Creepy crawlies.
“Realistic” fire simulation system.
Gratuitous chaos and destruction.
Finally learn the truth about spiders.
150K wish lists = Secret Weapons or Special Tactics units + Officer Units + 25% release discount (1 week)
No word on a physical copy version of this game on this system(s) in the US at this time. Families are required to pay for Internet usage fees to download this game. For more information click here.
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