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Joe Biden Continues Rebellion



Cordova, TN; January 24, in the year of our Lord 2021 -- Family Friendly Gaming, the industry leader in covering the family friendly video games is continuing to be the voice of diversity in the gaming media, and media at large. Joe Biden showed his true self and his rebellion against God on his first day as President of the United States. He used hateful rhetoric in his inauguration speech proving he is not trying to unify us as Americans. He continues to divide us by admitting to treating some Americans as third class citizens or criminals for having a difference of opinion. It is obvious he will spit on the United States Constitution if he follows through with the words in his speech. The forked tongue devil claims to want unity while spewing hateful rhetoric and implementing divisive policies.

On day one Joe Biden acted like a king with divisive executive orders. He does not plan on healing us by throwing away the economy, increasing the swamp of DC corruption, and attacking millions of American workers. Joe Biden is obviously returning America to Barrack Obama’s attempts to make America a third world country. Joe Biden obviously hates America, our morals, and ethics. He enacted executive orders showing his true rebellion against God and his word. No wonder he is banned from Communion. America is starting to diminish under Joe Biden already. Why is Joe Biden implementing failed policies from the past? Didn't he learn from those past failures?

I expect a new terrorist attack on American soil in the next couple of years thanks to Joe Biden doing everything possible to make us less safe. I love how he hides behind guards and walls, but does not think the rest of us need the same protection. We will lose all kinds of good jobs thanks to that highly divisive and controversial albatross called the Paris Climate Accord. Discrimination will rise against Christians and white people under a Biden administration. The economy will tank, and there will be all kinds of suffering. Joe Biden plans on throwing all kinds of money at Americans which means our taxes will increase. We will lose more money in the long run and we will see even more government wasteful spending. Lord willing we will survive this as a country. We have survived rebellious leaders before.

I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day.

God bless,
Paul Bury
Family Friendly Gaming

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