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Shakes on a Plane Releases



Wiesbaden, Germany - 13th August, in the year of our Lord 2021 - Attention passengers! Please return your seats to the upright position, fasten your seat belts and prepare for some crazy antics! Assemble Entertainment and developer Huu Games are thrilled to announce that chaotic couch co-op title Shakes on a Plane is available today for PlayStation 4/5 and Xbox One/Xbox Series X|S. The console versions will be available from the PlayStation Store for £15.99 / €19.99 / $19/99 and the Xbox Store for £16.74 / €19.99 / $19.99 (with a limited time 20% launch discount for the Xbox version). Shake on a Plane is also available for PC via Steam and Nintendo Switch.

Have you always dreamed of a life in the clouds, jet setting from exotic locale to exotic locale, and enjoying the finest international cuisine? Well, how about just the jet setting part, and instead of enjoying fine cuisine you’re instead serving burgers and shakes to a group of impatient, hangry passengers all crammed together in a metal box thousands of feet in the air? Shakes on a Plane tasks you and up to three friends with providing a satisfying airborne culinary experience in a chaotic environment with simple, easy-to-use controls and deceptively tactical gameplay. Coordination, delegation, and teamwork will propel-ler you to victory and ensure a five-star rating on the “How Was Your Flight Today” survey. And if the passengers get too sassy you can always para-drop them out the airlock — trust us, it’s standard procedure for all airlines.

Shakes on a Plane features Include:

Flying is Fun...Right?: Crying babies, obnoxious drunks, impatient business class fliers...It’s not your job to pick the passengers, but it is your job to keep them satisfied with delicious treats and tasty beverages
Teamwork Makes the Dream Work: Grab up to three other players to build your ideal team of talented flight attendants, but don’t forget that you’re locked with them inside a narrow metal tube at 30,000 feet — coordination, cooperation, and patience are the keys to a successful flight
I Didn’t Order the Fish: Attention to detail is vital to keeping your impatient passengers sated with enough fast food to hopefully put them to sleep for the remainder of the flight. Make sure you get the right order to the right person, on time, or the cabin might get a tad unpleasant…
Putting the F in First Class...And UFO: Don’t get too comfortable...each plane has a different layout, forcing players to adapt on the “fly” and perfectly plan their food delivery path

No word on a physical copy version of these games on this system in the US at this time. Families are required to pay for Internet usage fees to download this game. For more information click here.

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