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Death Reminds us to Live Life



Cordova, TN; January 24, in the year of our Lord 2022 -- Family Friendly Gaming, the industry leader in covering the family friendly video games is continuing to be the voice of diversity in the gaming media, and media at large. On the morning of January 10th in the year of our Lord 2022 our family received a phone call with some sad news. Yolanda's older sister Lisa had passed away. They tried to revive her for forty-five minutes. It is sad news for all of us that knew her. She was always giving, helpful, insightful, interested, and genuine. At the same time we are happy for her that her pain and suffering are no more. She is in a better place with no pain, suffering, or turmoil. We miss her and work on the transition of life without her and her cats.

Every single time I deal with death I realize how much it teaches us about life. Live every moment as if it were your last. You do not know how much time you have left on this planet. I do not know how much time I have left on this planet. My plan is to live to 120 years old. I have no clue if that is God's plan. Ultimately God's plan is the only one that actually matters. I cannot expect to make it to that age. Very few people do. I do know it is weird to see people younger than me die. It is strange to watch others get welcomed home and I continue on this path. At the same time I realize that I need to continue to do what I do to bring joy to the lives of so many. I cannot stop because I do not want to regret anything when I face judgement at God's throne.

There is all this talk about the stages of grief. For me the only one that matters is getting back to living life. It is not an easy thing to do at times. I have noticed as I get older I know about more people dying. Death is something that we must all live with. We must all face it. This is why you hear so many talk about living every moment you have like it is your last. It just might be your last one. You never know when your number is up. You never know when you are being called home. I realize day by day that I could be next, or another loved one could be next. Make sure they know you love them.

I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day.

God bless,
Paul Bury
Family Friendly Gaming

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