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Epic Games Support-a-Creator Gets Worse



Cordova, TN; July 18, in the year of our Lord 2022 -- Family Friendly Gaming, the industry leader in covering the family friendly video games is continuing to be the voice of diversity in the gaming media, and media at large. Epic Games has a program to allegedly support content creators. It is called Epic Games Support-a-Creator. Content Creators only get 5% of the money they make Epic Games. Epic Games only pays out when the money reaches one hundred dollars. That means a content creator needs to make Epic Games two thousand dollars before we are paid one hundred dollars. So the Epic Games Support-a-Creator program is already pretty lame. Family Friendly Gaming had numerous Epic Games links on our Store page to allow Family Friendly Gaming Universe another way to support us.

It took around a year and a half to two years for Family Friendly Gaming to be paid anything from Epic Games Support-a-Creator. We were actually getting close to being paid a second time. We were somewhere between seventy and ninety dollars in that account. Epic Games decided to change the program. If the content creator does not earn $100 in their account in twelve months then Epic Games just keeps the money and wipes out all of that money. Epic Games zeroes the account out. In other words Epic Games received a free ad for a year. I know a lot of people are complaining that Epic Games is really greedy. I am very disappointed in Epic Games and the Epic Games Support-a-Creator program.

We removed the links to all of the games we had covered and featured on our Store page. Epic Games Support-a-Creator is a complete disappointment. It was already a pretty bad program. It has gotten worse and we are sick and tired of these video game companies expecting free ads. We are tired of video game companies being ultra greedy. We are tired of doing all this work for zero payout. We are sick of video game companies changing the rules whenever they want for their benefit. We are sick of billionaire companies taking one hundred dollars from us. Why help them make all this money when they are abusing us poor content creators?

I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day.

God bless,
Paul Bury
Family Friendly Gaming
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