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Buying Games Side Effects



Cordova, TN; December 18, in the year of our Lord 2023 -- Family Friendly Gaming, the industry leader in covering the family friendly video games is continuing to be the voice of diversity in the gaming media, and media at large. A long time ago I floated the idea of gaming media outlets buying the games we play at cost. Not one video game company jumped on board for that idea. Not one video game media outlet besides Family Friendly Gaming tried out the idea. After some years of working on this idea I have come to realize some unintended consequences.

Before we get into the unintended consequences let me give a little recap. I was sick and tired of all of the lies at the E3 shows. I had been to seven of them, and had a long list of broken promises from people in PR and Marketing. We were spending thousands of dollars attending a conference playing samples of games, and getting promised reviewable copies, advertisements, sponsorships, and more. We got some cool swag here and there. Most of it honestly was just junk. It was cheap advertisements for their products. We were shown cool things in games that never were in the final product. I was sick of spending the money. If we spent the money on the games instead we could come out ahead right? That was the start of the path of us buying the products ourselves.

We have been doing this here at Family Friendly Gaming for years. There are some interesting side effects I did not realize at the time. First and foremost we don't care that much about digital downloads. We have physical copies of games and play what we want when we want and how we want. I barely pay any attention to the digital downloads anymore. If a company only has digital downloads we are not interested. I would rather play a physical copy every day of the week. Those companies are not competing for our time and energy. The same goes for their meaningless deadlines. I just don't care about them. I can play games on my own timeline. Some games just sit and never get attention because we have gone back to playing games from start to finish. That means less games get our attention. These companies need to work harder for our attention.

I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day.

God bless,
Paul Bury
Family Friendly Gaming

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