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Truths to Share - I Love Writing



Cordova, TN; February 13, in the year of our Lord 2023 -- Family Friendly Gaming, the industry leader in covering the family friendly video games is continuing to be the voice of diversity in the gaming media, and media at large. There are so many truths I love to share. This is now a series. I love to write. I do not know exactly what it is. I enjoy helping others with diverse thoughts that open eyes. I read the Holy Bible daily and learn new and important things all the time. Some days have bigger revelations than others. Some lessons are more pronounced than others. I am not an outgoing person by nature. Which can shock some people when they meet me in person. I have no interest in having the spotlight on me. I prefer to hang out in the back and see what is going on.

Triggering others has never been my intent. In fact when others get angry at something I wrote I ask myself what is it about this truth I shared that made them angry. I usually have no clue what sets other people off. Especially those that claim to celebrate diversity. Why would they attack someone diverse from them? Why would they demand everyone join them in rebellion against God? My only suspicion is the Holy Spirit is working on their hearts and minds. I could be completely wrong. They may be stuck in their myopic viewpoint and expect everyone to be just like them. If that is the case then there is nothing I can do about it. It is their problem in their heads.

Words have meaning. Words have power. Words are wonderful. This is why I love to write. I go with the flow while I am writing too. Some people plan out their outlines and points in a meticulous fashion. I go where I am led. I start somewhere and many times end up somewhere else. I love the flow of the words. There are parts I look back at later and revise. Proofing looks at things and tells me what does not make sense. I always have room for growth and improvement. I am nowhere as good as many of the well known authors. I am fine with that. I am being true to me and God.
What else could you ask for?

I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day.

God bless,
Paul Bury
Family Friendly Gaming

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