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Truths to Share – Losing Faith



Cordova, TN; January 2, in the year of our Lord 2023 -- Family Friendly Gaming, the industry leader in covering the family friendly video games is continuing to be the voice of diversity in the gaming media, and media at large. There are so many truths I love to share. This is now a series. There have been times and periods of running Family Friendly Gaming I have considered quitting. I get sick and tired of all of the selfish millionaire and billionaire moochers. I get so tired of dealing with liars, and cheaters. Those people make me lose faith in humanity. I understand that we are sinful and fallen species. I totally get that. I completely comprehend that. Some people take it to extremes.

There are some people who literally will come to me making all these demands. They pay nothing for the work being done that benefits them. My initial response is: “you must be smoking crack to say that.” As you can imagine that goes over well. There are some people who demand we change this in the press release, and we change that in the review. I generally laugh right in their faces. They actually have an expectation that we will change things because they say so. I guess all of the big gaming media sites do whatever they are told like good little puppets. Not me. I ain't the fortunate one. I ain't no Senator’s son.

There are some people that told me: “you can’t fault me for trying. I am trying to make my client more money.” I tell them that yes I can fault them because they are showing the evil, vile, and wicked corruption within the video game industry. We never see any of that profit. They do, and so does their client. We are left out in the cold. I refuse to join the swamp of corruption within the video game industry. I would prefer to keep working a day job and keep my integrity and honor intact. Those attitudes make me lose faith in humanity too. I am not here to make them a bunch of money.

I want to be fair and I want to be clear. There are others who are completely honest, transparent, and care. There are those that do all kinds of wonderful things for Family Friendly Gaming. There are those that that advertise, and embrace the bugs we find in their games. They take it as an opportunity to improve their product. It is always so wonderful to work with those that have integrity and honor. I appreciate honesty way more than the liars, and cheats out there. Even when it is something I do not want to hear. I just wish there were more like them.

I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day.

God bless,
Paul Bury
Family Friendly Gaming

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