Did NOT give you the Authority
Family Friendly Gaming News
Cordova, TN; December 16, in the year of our Lord 2024
-- Family Friendly Gaming, the industry leader in
covering the family friendly video games is continuing to be the
voice of diversity in the gaming media, and media at large. For
decades I have stood up to the haters, bullies, psychos, and
psychopaths that arrogantly decided they can just redefine
whatever they want to. I had a thought concerning this recently.
When did we give you that authority? Truth be told we never gave
you that authority. Let that sink in for a minute. We never ever
granted them the authority to redefine, words, institutions,
history, team names, and more. We never once consented to let
them redefine anything.
This is exactly why I continue to stand up for God's definitions
of reality. Redefining things is not something man has the right
to do. This is not something man has the authority to do. Man
does not have the power to redefine anything. Those that are
trying to redefine things are absolutely and totally delusional.
They think they had the right, power, and authority to do
something they do not have. They never had it. It is a sham or a
shell game they are playing on others. They are trying to
deceive others into accepting their strange definitions.
Stand up for the truth. Stand up for what is right. Stand up for
the proper, genuine and true definitions of things. Refuse to
accept the attempts to redefine. It is not always easy to say:
"I do not accept that," when someone is trying to pull the wool
over everyone's eyes. I guarantee that once you do others will
get the strength and conviction to stand for the truth as well.
Do not attack those that attempt to redefine. Do not harass
those that attempt to redefine. Instead stand up, and let them
know that you will not accept, embrace or go along with their
attempts to redefine. There are more of us than there are of
I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day.
God bless,
Paul Bury
Family Friendly Gaming
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