Kingdom, Dungeon, and Hero Releases
Family Friendly Gaming News
Boca Raton, FL, 01 July in the year of our Lord 2024
| Begin your campaign towards victory in Kingdom, Dungeon, and
Hero. From indie developer Kraken Studios, the fantasy strategy
title is out today on Steam.
Pave Your Way To Victory
Kingdom, Dungeon, and Hero brings a board-game feel to the Steam
storefront. Within the game’s hex-based map, players must
establish an economy, grow a military, manage diplomatic
relationships, and battle against rival kingdoms. Whether your
interests lie in conquest, adventuring, or building, Kingdom,
Dungeon, and Hero offers many different ways to play.
Expand Your Kingdom
Offering six scenarios to choose from, players will manage their
resources while remaining aware of enemy agendas. Embark on
these adventures in parties of six, capitalizing on each hero’s
unique skillset to face off against incoming peril. Along these
expeditions, players may uncover magic items and artifacts,
strengthen their attributes, and fight to increase their
kingdom’s power. Gold and precious shards can be acquired from
these adventures to purchase additional resources. By growing
their influence, players may rise from explorer to conqueror to
lord of their expanding kingdom.
Customize Your Experience
Review your activities with summaries of your battles, trade
achievements, and research. In addition, random events and an
unpredictable weather system will challenge even the most
seasoned adventurers! Accompanying these fantasy and wargame
elements, Kingdom, Dungeon, and Hero boasts various additional
features to create an engaging experience for all players. The
game’s editor grants customizable maps, monsters, adventures,
heroes, and magic items for a personalized campaign.
Ready-to-Play: Challenge friends in PBEM co-op or test your
skills against a computer opponent.
Risk and Reward: Negotiate with other kingdoms to form allies or
force your will with the sword.
Testing the Waters: Hidden fleets test your skills against
piracy, interception, and evasion.
Traitorous Acts: Send your heroes on missions to hunt down your
kingdom’s greatest enemies.
Ready Wherever: Invite friends to your campaign with the game's
multiplayer mode, implementing a traditional play via email
format to remind players of their turn.
No word on a physical copy version of this game on this system(s)
in the US at this time.
Families are required to pay for Internet usage fees to download
this game. For more information click
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