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Cordova, TN; August 26, in the year of our Lord 2024 -- Family Friendly Gaming, the industry leader in covering the family friendly video games is continuing to be the voice of diversity in the gaming media, and media at large. None of us can get our way all of the time. In fact some of us rarely get our way. I am personally sick and tired of hearing younger people complain they do not get their way when they never financially contribute into whatever they are complaining about. I am also sick and tired of people demanding more work from me that do nothing to help out Family Friendly Gaming. Stop, just stop. I have little patience anymore for people that whine and moan and complain about things they know nothing about.

There are all kinds of disappointments we have in life. I would love to be doing Family Friendly Gaming full time. I would love to make more videos, and write more books. I have a long list of notes of different projects I want to work on. I have some video games I would like to create. I lose time having to drive into and from the day job. The day job pays the bills. I would love for all of this hard work we do on Family Friendly Gaming to produce more money. It does not. I live with this disappointment every single day. I pray about it multiple times a day. I constantly deal with this disappointment.

There are people in our lives that may make decisions that rebel against God. Those people create all kinds of havoc, pain and suffering. There is another area that a great many people live with disappointment. Do you have to deal with that kind of pain in your life? There are parents, children, siblings and more that cause pain and suffering in the lives of their loved ones. Let us be real that all of us have something in our lives that are disappointments. We must live with them. We cope, encourage, and offer advice. Some listen, and some do not.

I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day.

God bless,
Paul Bury

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