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Misery and Happiness



Cordova, TN; March 4, in the year of our Lord 2024 -- Family Friendly Gaming, the industry leader in covering the family friendly video games is continuing to be the voice of diversity in the gaming media, and media at large. I noticed in a lot of the radical far left entertainment they preach that you should be happy. They are constantly having characters tell other characters: "I just want you to be happy." I have so many thoughts about this topic. Do you even know what makes you happy? I know plenty of people that get their way and that does not make them happy. If you think getting your way all the time leads to happiness then you are in for a rude awakening.

How will you build any perseverance or character if you get your way all the time? I deal with plenty of things I do not like to deal with. There are things I must do every single day that I do not want to do. I have learned to cope. I have learned to accept things. I have seen dreams of mine shattered sometimes on a daily basis. I have learned to push through. I have learned to appreciate all of the blessings in my life. In some ways misery has been better for me than massive continuous blessings. It has helped me deal with adversity. I know better what I feel like dealing with and what I will walk away from.

The liberal teachings do not help anyone grow, mature or improve. It reminds me that cultures that had to struggle grew faster and better than those that had less challenges. What is your reason to grow, develop, and mature if there is nothing to prompt you to do so? We can sit idly by and entertain ourselves over and over again. When we are presented with challenges in life then we either face them head on, or fall apart and fail. Which choice do you make? Do you embrace the opportunity to grow? Do you accept bad things and find ways to make your life better? Do you whine, cry, and moan because you are in a valley and not a mountain top?

Do not get me wrong. I love times and periods of happiness. I love it when things are good. I adore it when there is peace, and relaxation. I have learned in my life to accept periods of growth. I also recognize that growth almost always comes from hard times. I may never enjoy trials and tribulations. I know that hopefully I will come out better and stronger at the end. I also look forward to times of great wonder again. I can appreciate the good times so much more. Maybe just maybe you can learn something as I have learned something.

I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day.

God bless,
Paul Bury
Family Friendly Gaming

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