Family Friendly Gaming Devotional April Releases
Family Friendly Gaming News
Cordova, TN; February 24, in the year of our Lord 2024
-- Family Friendly Gaming, the industry leader in
covering the family friendly video games is continuing to be the
voice of diversity in the gaming media, and media at large. I
decided recently that I am going to be the change I want to see.
I am so happy and so pleased to let all ya'll know that Family
Friendly Gaming Devotional April has been released. Family
Friendly Gaming Devotional April can be purchased in the
paperback form or in the Kindle format. Here are links to both:
Paperback -
Kindle -
We have gotten plenty of positive feedback on the devotional
books thus far. We also field questions quite often about when
the next book would be released. Well that time is now. You can
show your love and support for Family Friendly Gaming by
purchasing a copy of this book. The more sales we make of this
book, the faster we can get the next one out. A big thank you
ahead of time to each and every one of ya'll that purchase a
copy of the Family Friendly Gaming Devotional April book in
either format. Your support means the world to us.
The first four months of the year are completely done now. There
are eight more months to go as we get the time and financial
resources. I hope the front cover of Family Friendly Gaming
Devotional April is as soothing and relaxing to you as it is to
me. I continue to faithfully follow and obey God in producing
and publishing content that helps families. I would like to get
the next book in the series done in 2025. I would also like to
get a video game made in 2025 as well. We will see what I have
the time and money for.
I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day.
God bless,
Paul Bury
Family Friendly Gaming
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