Life as We Know It
Family Friendly Gaming News
Cordova, TN;
March 24, in the year of our Lord 2025
— Family Friendly Gaming, the industry leader in covering the
family friendly video games is continuing to be the voice of
diversity in the gaming media, and media at large. There are so
many things in life that can be a struggle. There are Karen's
running around trying to get others in trouble. There are angry
people. There are selfish people. There are controlling people.
There are manipulative people. All of these different kinds of
people can give the rest of us a bad day. I have run into them
in my life. I have talked to others that have also had issues
with them. I am not clear what they are about. Maybe someone
else spread the bad mood to them.
There are also wonderful people out there. There are people that
would give you the coat from their backs to help you. I know a
great many of them. I have even been that person for a great
many others. Some would say what I have done with Family
Friendly Gaming would qualify. I am not sure about that. I know
plenty of people feel that way about me. I am honored that they
do. Do I deserve it though? I let God decide. I see my failings.
I see my flaws. I see the areas I need to improve. Maybe I am
harder on myself than others are on me. What is your opinion on
this topic?
Part of this goes to the glass being half full or half empty.
Are you more positive or more negative? I honestly go back and
forth. Some days I am more positive. Some days I am more
negative. It can depend on the circumstances that are around me
at that time. I strive to be more positive but fail at that at
times. I continue to pursue being better each and every single
day. I continue to try and be the example I want to see in
others. Some days Î succeed and some days I fail.
I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day.
Warm Regards,
Paul Bury
Family Friendly Gaming
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