Suikoden STAR LEAP Announced
Family Friendly Gaming News
LOS ANGELES – March 4, in the year of our Lord 2025
– Konami Digital Entertainment Inc. (KONAMI) today announced a
new mobile game, an animated series, and many other exciting
announcements during the Suikoden Live broadcast. The hour-long
show featured orchestral performances of Suikoden’s iconic
music, interviews with key members of the development team, and
a look behind the scenes with composers and artists brought
onboard to expand the franchise in the years to come globally.
Mobile game - Suikoden STAR LEAP:
A new role-playing adventure set in the world of Suikoden is
coming soon to mobile devices. Suikoden STAR LEAP takes place a
few years before the events of Suikoden I, but a couple years
after Suikoden V. Players can explore vibrant, bustling towns
and meet new and familiar characters along their quests. The
game’s art style takes inspiration from 2D pixel character
designs with a mix of 3D backgrounds. Release date details and
more information will be shared in a future announcement.
Animated series:
A new televised animated series from KONAMI animation studio
co-produced with NBC Universal Entertainment Japan will
introduce new fans to the deep lore of Suikoden II that many
others have come to admire.
“We wanted to keep the greatness of the original story
[Yoshitaka] Murayama-san created,” said Suikoden Producer Rui
Naito. “[The show] is one way of showing the story – it is the
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