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Cordova, TN; March 3, in the year of our Lord 2025 -- Family Friendly Gaming, the industry leader in covering the family friendly video games is continuing to be the voice of diversity in the gaming media, and media at large. There are some things that I am so sick and tired anymore. I believe in taking care of people. I am so sick and tired of the greed in the video game industry. I am sick and tired of media outlets supporting it while calling themselves liberals. How is it a conservative is the one bring up this issue? How is it that someone on the right is exposing the liars and frauds on the left? Too many of these video game companies brag about being radicals on the far left but they certainly make sure to line their own pockets while fleecing gamers.

I am sick and tired of people in PR bragging about retiring in their mid thirties with multiple millions of dollars in the bank when they told me for years there was no money in the budget to advertise or sponsor. Do they think we believe a word out of their mouths? I know of others in PR and marketing that made so much money they started their own firms to make even more money. Again they tell me there is nothing in the budget to advertise, sponsor, or donate. Then they brag about how many millions they make. The same goes for the video game companies who have no budget for advertisements, sponsorships or donations; but somehow make millions to billions of dollars a year. Facing these facts how can we believe a word they say?

I know of other conservative gaming media outlets that struggle financially. Are we being discriminated against for being Christian? Are we being discriminated against for being conservative? How many liberal gamers are supporting this greed from the video game companies. They are abusing you after all. Don't you care? Don't you stand against their greed? What are you doing to demand better? What are you doing to demand more? Why do I have to be the one getting fed up with this? Why do I have to be the one to make these points? Can't you see this as well? When will you demand better from our industry?

I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day.

God bless,
Paul Bury
Family Friendly Gaming

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