Why the Rebellion?
Family Friendly Gaming News
Cordova, TN; January 27, in the year of our Lord 2024
-- Family Friendly Gaming, the industry leader in covering the
family friendly video games is continuing to be the voice of
diversity in the gaming media, and media at large. There are so
many things in and on this world that I do not comprehend. I see
so many people do so many things that are problematic, bad, and
whatnot. I do not get it. When you know the right path why take
the wrong one? When you know the right decision why make the
wrong one? When you know what is right, why do what is wrong?
Why exercise your free will to make choices and decisions that
will only lead to issues and problems?
Look I am far from perfect. I have a very long history of
working hard to make the right decisions as often as possible. I
see others do the wrong thing and it leads to issues and
problems. I see others generate all kinds of drama for
themselves by choosing rebellion over obedience. Do you enjoy
having more issues and problems? Do you enjoy having to deal
with more stress? Do you like disappointing friends and family?
Is your own momentary pleasure better than long term happiness?
Why not make the right choices in the first place? Why not do
the right thing on the first attempt?
Yolanda had an uncle that lived for himself every single day of
his life. He left a legacy of pain, suffering, ill will, and
disgust. He died a horrible death in his early forties. He had
all of these opportunities to turn his life around. He chose to
do the wrong thing again and again. He chose to cause pain and
suffering for friends and family. He chose to walk a path that
rebelled against and rejected God. When he wanted a miracle he
was shocked that God respected his wishes on rejection. You tell
God you do not want Him, do not be surprised when God respects
that. I prefer the opposite choice.
I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day.
God bless,
Paul Bury
Family Friendly Gaming
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