Update News
Shelter 2 Release Date
February 9, in the year of our Lord 2015 -- Shelter 2
launches March 9th !
- Pre-purchase with bonuses available the 25th of February -
A mix of timing and a strong ambition to make Shelter 2 as good
as we can, leads us to a release date early in March. The game
is, as far as the experience goes, complete. We are currently
polishing it and making sure its as good as can be. A lot of
interesting features has been added this last sprint and hope
that our fans will understand and forgive the delay! /Team Might
and Delight
New Lynx and soundtrack - Pre purchase Bonuses
Shelter 2 will be available to pre purchase the 25th of
February. Along with the game, players who pre purchase S2 will
receive a unique version of the Mother Lynx based on the Iberian
Lynx (not native to the Taiga biome where the game takes place).
On top of that, the soundtrack by Retro Family will also be
included in the pre-purchase version!
For more information on this product, please click on one of
their advertisements.