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Who Refuses to Change?



Cordova, TN; May 15, in the year of our Lord 2015--Family Friendly Gaming, the industry leader in covering the family friendly video games is addressing a hot button issue that is important to millions of families. Hollywood and left wing radicals keep pushing this issue to the front of discussion. The Federal Government released a report stating two percent of Americans are homosexual. That two percent is trying to get the ninety-eight percent to redefine their definition of marriage. Why? It seems rather arrogant to disregard thousands of years of human history and decide to change the definition now. Traditional marriage produces additional tax payers. Homosexual togetherness does not. Hence the reason for the tax credit given to normal and healthy marriages between a man and a woman. Traditional marriage brings stability to neighborhoods, and improves community.

We were watching a NCIS episode recently. Typical Hollywood propaganda. Gibbs was asked why some people still do not support redefining marriage to support sexual deviancy. Those are my words, not what Hollywood writers had him say. His answer was very interesting. He said something along the lines of some people still refuse to change. Let us dissect that for a moment. Supporters of redefining marriage refuse to change. I ask every supporter of redefining marriage to change and accept traditional marriage. They won’t do it will they? Kind of a hollow charge to throw out there when you are also guilty of it. But then Hollywood has not been known for having logic. Hollywood likes to hide reality while they are spewing their propaganda. They fail to bring up centers that cure the homosexual urges. Plenty of people have been cured, and gone on to live normal, healthy, and productive lives. Facts like that are an inconvenient truth to Hollywood and left wing radicals.

It is not about any kind of equality. It is about persecuting Christians. I do not know of one state that has voted to legalize the redefining of marriage. I do know of states where radical judges have decided to overthrow the will of the people just like dictators. What happened next? The attacks on Christians in business began. Homosexual radicals have attacked Christians who refuse to deny Jesus Christ. Christians who stand up for the Holy Bible, the US Constitution, and their First Amendment Rights. Then the attempts to redefine marriage have not stopped. They continue to want even more sexually deviant definitions to be recognized. They are not happy with extra special citizen status, they want more. They are acting like Nazis. After they put all the Christians in concentration camps, what group is next?

There is no anger in any of my words. Sadness that in a “Christian nation,” Christians are being discriminated against. The most intolerant are those who are out there screaming: “Celebrate Diversity.” America is being set up for a split, and a lot of blood could be spilled in a Civil War II. I don’t want that. I want the angry redefiners to think of the good of the country instead of trying to shove their radical beliefs down the throats of the ninety-eight percent. Tell me why we should sin against God? Why should deny the love Christ gave for us? It is more loving to tell someone to turn from their sinful ways than it is to encourage someone in sin?

God bless,
Paul Bury
Family Friendly Gaming


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