Update News
100% Orange Juice Now Available
December 23, in the year of our Lord 2016 - Fruitbat Factory
is happy to announce a new 100% Orange Juice character pack is
now available on Steam!
100% Orange Juice - Nath & Tomato+Mimyuu Character Pack adds 2
new playable character combos: Nath, the tragic boss character
from Sora, as well as the prankster duo of Tomato and Mimyuu
from QP Shooting, with a unique tag team style play.
100% Orange Juice is a digital multiplayer board game populated
by developer Orange Juice's all-star cast.
Characters from Flying Red Barrel, QP Shooting, SUGURI and Sora
come together with all-new characters to duke it out… with dice.
The long-time fan favorite Nath powers up through the use of
battle cards and gains an additional set of armor around her,
while Tomato and Mimyuu both have their unique stats and Hyper
cards, and swap places when defeated.
100% Orange Juice - Nath & Tomato+Mimyuu Character Pack comes
priced at $1.99.
It is now available for purchase with a -15% launch discount,
with an additional -10% discount for owners of the 100% Orange
Juice - All Stars Collection.
No word on a physical copy of this game at this time. Families
are required to pay for Internet usage fees to download this
game. For more information click