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Air Guitar Warrior for Kinect Details
Helsinki, Finland, March 20th, in the year of our Lord 2017:
Virtual Air Guitar Company has released new material and details
for Air Guitar Warrior for Kinect (Xbox One), part music game
and part scrolling shooter.
In addition to rocking out and shooting bad guys while riding a
dinosaur, viking ship or flaming meteor, players will be able to
control the music itself.
The guitar fires when the player strums with the right hand,
with different fire modes depending on the speed of strumming.
Moving the left hand along the guitar neck changes between
rhythm and lead guitar. Advancing in the game unlocks bend
power, where the player can bend backwards to unleash
destructive rapid fire.
The lead guitar in the soundtrack responds to each of these 5
fire modes. The creators of the soundtrack, Mika Tyyskä / Mr.
Fastfinger and Samppa Siurala, recorded multiple variations of
the lead guitar for every track.
“You’re not just playing along, you’re in control of the music
as much as you’re in control of the game,” says Aki Kanerva,
Founder and Lead Designer at Virtual Air Guitar Company. “You’re
doing two things at the same time, but the goal is the same: to
be awesome.”
No word on a physical copy of this game at this time. Families
are required to pay for Internet usage fees to download this
game. For more information click