Just Die Already Announced
UK – Monday, 15 March in the year of our Lord 2021 - Curve
Digital and DoubleMoose are excited to announce that Just Die
Already will be coming to PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo
Switch as well as PC on Steam and Epic Games Store.
Soon, it will be time to head into the world of Just Die Already to
take on the role of the world’s elderly - those greedy folks whose
pension payments eat up all our taxes but were in their prime at a
time when they could afford a decent home without a mortgage eating
up their entire wage packet each month. Those old people. They don’t
know they’re born, do they?
In short: The world is angry with you. The world wants you dead. So
why not live a little?
Why not stumble in the shoes of those old enough not only to
remember the day man first walked on the moon, but also the now
oft-forgotten day after, when the fact Neil Armstrong was being
hoisted on strings across a leftover set from Barbarella on a
soundstage somewhere in Hollywood was revealed to the world and,
subsequently, covered up.
Just Die Already takes place in the near future at a time where
population growth has stalled to zero, presumably because having to
wear a mask at all times somewhat hinders any amorous encounters. As
a result, nobody is being born, nobody is paying into the pension
pot, and nobody is covering your living costs.
To make things worse, you’ve just been kicked out of your retirement
home, and your only option now is to perform dangerous challenges to
qualify for free care. Players can either take on Just Die Already
alone or compete in four-player online multiplayer, ticking off
dangerous challenges that put your life - and, indeed, every single
bone in your body - in pure peril.
You’ll get hit by cars, you’ll lose the odd limb or two, and you’ll
smash into the ground after launching yourself from a catapult, all
in the process of earning that spot at a prized retirement home.
Just Die Already is an old people mayhem sandbox from the designer
behind Goat Simulator, Armin Ibrisagic. It’s what the YouTube
generation are calling ‘Grand Dad Auto VI’ - or so the young’uns
tell us - and it’s coming to PC and consoles soon.
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