Crusader Kings III Wards & Wardens Pack on Console
Family Friendly Gaming News
STOCKHOLM - 26 February in the year of our Lord 2025
- You aren’t just raising a family, you’re cultivating a
dynasty. So, the choices you make in rearing your children can often
have long term consequences. Child rulers need trustworthy regents,
education must be handled with the greatest of care, and foreign
hostages need to be treated well to guarantee the peace. Experience
the joys of parenthood in Crusader Kings III: Wards & Wardens, a new
event pack for Crusader Kings III on Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation
5 consoles.
Developed by Room 8 Group in partnership with Paradox Interactive,
Wards & Wardens is a new event pack that focuses on the perils and
potentials of being a child ruler, educating the children at court
and furthering your learning in adulthood. It is scheduled for
release on 05 March 2025.
Crusader Kings III: Wards & Wardens includes:
Childhood Education Events
Visiting Universities for adult characters
More Childhood Personality Events
Hostage Events for foreign children placed at your court
Child-rearing events with courtiers, including a new court position,
the Wet-Nurse.
Child Regency Events for the training or usurping of rulers who have
not reached adulthood.
Four New Music Tracks
Crusader Kings III: Wards & Wardens will be available on Xbox Series
X|S and PlayStation 5 consoles on 05 March 2025. Check your relevant
local online store for pricing information.
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