No Man's Sky
I am thankful that Family Friendly Gaming
purchased No Man's Sky on the Playstation 4 for this preview. I remember
the claims at E3 2015 concerning this game. We could go and see all of
these planets, and claim them as our own. There was this vast galaxy to
explore. There was all of this diversity among the planets. It would be
an endless epic exploration that was nearly endless. The final product
does not match the companies claims. We received emails denoting the
scandal surrounding No Man's Sky. We decided to spend massive amounts of
money purchasing this game. We over spent on No Man's Sky. Wait for this
game to drop to twenty dollars brand new at most.
Early on I got lost in No Man's Sky. I eventually found my way back to
my ship. I learned that flying close to locations made much more sense.
The bulk of my time in No Man's Sky was collecting resources, and
crafting items. I also noticed planets started looking the same really
fast in No Man's Sky. The lack of understanding the language and having
to do so much to learn it was a major chore. If I knew nothing about the
promises No Man's Sky would be an average gaming experience. I plan on
having a review for No Man's Sky in issue #112. Playing this game was an
interesting experience. It gets dull and boring with having to
constantly collect resources to power up everything from the vehicles to
the shields.
- Paul
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