Trackmania Turbo
I am very thankful that Family Friendly
Gaming was able to purchase Trackmania Turbo on the Xbox One. I like
this racing game even though I am not very good at it. I can usually get
a bronze medal in the courses in Trackmania Turbo. Others had to get the
silver and gold medals. In fact that is one of the short comings in
Trackmania Turbo. If you can not get silver in every race then you can
not unlock certain levels. The same goes for gold. I find it sad that
the PR and Marketing for Ubisoft failed Family Friendly Gaming so
miserably. Are they discriminating against us because we obey God?
Trackmania Turbo has its flaws. The crazy tracks and insane crashes are
part of the game. Trackmania Turbo taught me to be reckless. Trackmania
Turbo also taught me to do things faster. Which led to many mistakes,
and a lot of real world frustration. Two drivers controlling one car
cooperatively was actually a neat and cool mode that families can get
into. Trackmania Turbo also contains those despised online game modes. I
do not mess with them because they swallow too much Internet usage, and
because it costs so much money for Internet bandwidth. Look for my
review of Trackmania Turbo to appear in issue #108 of the always amazing
Family Friendly Gaming e-magazine.
{05/10/2016} - Frank
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