I am very thankful I had the money to
purchase a copy of Harvestella on the Nintendo Switch. I live streamed
this role playing farming simulating video game for around eight hours
on our YouTube channel. A big shout and thank you to all of our viewers,
sponsors, donations and supporters. I like some aspects of Harvestella
and are annoyed by other ones. There will be spoilers in my review.
Harvestella can be found on the Nintendo Switch, and PC. The publisher
for Harvestella is Square Enix. The developers for Harvestella are
Square Enix, and Livewire.
The issues families can have with Harvestella are violence, magic, lack
of attire, enticement to lust and more. There are very few character
choices and the male characters look really feminine. No wonder some
younger minds are getting gender dysphoria. Video games like Harvestella
are not giving us good and strong male characters. We have fairies and a
false goddess belief system in Harvestella. There are seasons and
Seaslights in Harvestella. Between the seasons is a period of death in
Harvestella. Expect a full review of Harvestella in issue #205 of the
ways amazing Family Friendly Gaming magazine and e-magazine.
- Paul
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