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Every Extend Extra





Every Extend Extra 


Every Extend Extra is a lesson to all of us here at Family Friendly Gaming. Just because a developer came up with some fun games in the past does not mean everything they come up with is golden. I purchased Every Extend Extra from our fantastic friends over at Amazon. I had high hopes for it because it came from Q Entertainment. I also found it for a good price, so I hoped for another gem. You detonate yourself trying to create a chain reaction. The larger the chain reaction the more points you receive.

Normally I am a big fan of bright and colorful graphics. The problem with Every Extend Extra is they are so bright that they can easily lead to a headache. Playing this Playstation Portable (PSP) game gave me numerous headaches. The other issue is the screen is way too busy. There is stuff going on all over the place. Detonate yourself, and it gets worse. I was not impressed with the font chosen to display information either. The whole concept of destroying yourself to score points did not set well with me either.

Every Extend Extra has okay music. I expected some really trippy music to go along with the visuals. So the music does not really fit the theme of this hand held game in my opinion. A few of the special effect sounds irritated me. To be fair I may have been on edge thanks to the visuals. I did not hear any offensive sounds while playing Every Extend Extra.

Gamesharing is included in Every Extend Extra so two players can enjoy this game at the same time. I was going to say burn your retina out, but I decided not to be mean. There are a few different modes included on this UMD disc. Thing is you have to enjoy this game in the first place to want to replay it. I felt like I wasted my money on Every Extend Extra. My hope is that millions will read this review and know to avoid it. So please heed my warning about this PSP game.

I felt like I moving through mud while playing Every Extend Extra. Trying to get my trigger in the right place was one of the more frustrating experiences I have had this year. I also would lose seconds for reasons I could not comprehend. Chain reactions work well, and require the player to be patient. If you waited for the opportune moment things went better. I did not really have fun with Every Extend Extra.

Video game developers try new things all the time. Every Extend Extra is one of those instances where something new and different did not work. Morally I am against blowing oneself up for completely meaningless reasons. I have no interest in sequels to this franchise ever. I put that the nicest way I could think as well. Puzzle games can be addicting, but I did not have that problem with Every Extend Extra on the PSP.
- Paul


Graphics: 50%
Sound: 64%
Replay/Extras: 53%
Gameplay: 59%
Family Friendly Factor: 61%
System: Playstation Portable
Publisher: Buena Vista Games
Rating: 'E' for Everyone
{Mild Fantasy Violence}

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