Harvest Moon 3D The Tale of Two Towns
Harvest Moon has been huge in the years
Family Friendly Gaming has been around. Farming is one activity that is
in all of our blood. Harvest Moon 3D The Tale of Two Towns splits things
up. There are two towns - Bluebell, and Konohana. At the beginning of
the game you decide if you are more about animals or planting. Don't
worry because you can always swap over if you feel the need.
Harvest Moon 3D The Tale of Two Towns is also the first foray of the
franchise into the Nintendo 3DS. There is also a Nintendo DS version of
this game. Without the 3D of course. Alpaca are the animal this time. In
fact I still have mine from E3 2011. Harvest Moon is about more than
just growing crops, and raising livestock. You can also woo someone of
the opposite sex, and start a family.
Harvest Moon 3D The Tale of Two Towns includes multiple levels in the 3D
effects on the top screen. The leaves of the trees are closer than the
tree trunk. The character talking to you is also at a higher level -
along with their dialogue box. Harvest Moon 3D The Tale of Two Towns
includes many new characters to interact with. The art style depends on
which town you spend more time in. This variety is a nice touch.
Harvest Moon 3D The Tale of Two Towns does a fantastic job of explaining
how to do anything. You can also skip these if you do not want to go
through them. I hate having to spend so many in game days going through
tutorials. But if I don't then I wind up missing something important.
And that leads to frustration.
The music is pleasant in Harvest Moon 3D The Tale of Two Towns. I found
building friendships inside Harvest Moon 3D The Tale of Two Towns is a
lot of fun. This is one by talking to that character at least once a
day. You can also give them presents when you find out what they like.
The special effect sounds fit this game to a tee.
There are multiple goals in Harvest Moon 3D The Tale of Two Towns.
Players can take on quests from the message board to help out their
fellow villagers. The harvest goddess wants you to make the two towns
friends again. She is partially to blame for the split but is not
powerful enough to do anything about it.
Harvest Moon 3D The Tale of Two Towns is one of those games that you can
spend months on - easily. I marvel at how much content there is. This
ranges from crops to animals, to romance. Players can also take their
time with each and every single objective. Take them at your own time
table in Harvest Moon 3D The Tale of Two Towns.
Family Friendly Gaming missed last years Harvest Moon release. So this
is our first opportunity to see the jump. Jumping is something this
franchise needed. The speed of Harvest Moon 3D The Tale of Two Towns is
quick. I loved running around town completing quests after water and/or
harvesting. There are a few quirks though. I had to select the option to
leave a conversation. I could not hit the 'B' button to cancel it out.
It is a little thing but felt really out of place.
There are lessons in Harvest Moon 3D The Tale of Two Towns about taking
care of the environment, growing crops, and raising animals. I noticed
certain characters obsessed over things, others were lazy, and more.
This helps add some real personality to the Harvest Moon franchise.
Harvest Moon 3D The Tale of Two Towns is an alternate world that people
can easily get lost in.
As previously mentioned the harvest goddess is in Harvest Moon 3D The
Tale of Two Towns. Religiously speaking that is a belief system. People
in the past used to pray for rain, good crops, etc. They prayed to
whatever they thought would help them. As a Christian it bothers me
there are people all over the world in bondage to beliefs that do
nothing to help them.
If you purchase Harvest Moon 3D The Tale of Two Towns for your child,
please explain the religious belief system that is in this franchise. I
keep holding out hope that at some point this will be regionalized for
the eighty plus percent of Americans that self identify as Christian.
- Paul
UPDATE {05/20/2015}: A flamboyant character was discovered who acts homosexual - Howard.
Graphics: 72%
Sound: 65%
Replay/Extras: 70%
Gameplay: 63%
Family Friendly Factor: 58%
System: Nintendo 3DS
Publisher: Natsume
Rating: ‘E’ - Everyone
{Comic Mischief, Use of Alcohol}
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