High Flyer Jetpack Tests
High Flyer Jetpack Tests is the second app
in the line of high flying death defying games from Game Mechanic
Studios. This time players get to complete thirty-five unique mini
games. So a little bit different from the first version. Arreon is
younger, and just learning how to fall with style. Missions range from
things like collecting all the items, getting to the bottom in a certain
amount of time and more.
The graphics can be dark in parts, and light in others. I loved flying
through a cloud, and landing. Although that landing pad has a freaky
looking face on it. The details are okay. It can be difficult to see
much of anything when one is going 300 miles per hour. I did bounce off
a few things to get a closer look - that was not the best thing for
completing the mission.
The music in High Flyer Jetpack Tests is what Tony the Tiger always
talks about. It's Great! I love the music in High Flyer Jetpack Tests.
In fact I kept replaying certain levels just to enjoy the music. High
Flyer Jetpack Tests has a neat tutorial to teach players how to play the
game. It was a little impatient though.
The thirty-five levels for ninety-nine cents is sort of middle of the
road. I have played games that include many more levels for that price.
I am not sure why this app was not included in the original as an
update. The mini games in High Flyer Jetpack Tests are also highly
challenging. I can see High Flyer Jetpack Tests leading to frustration.
Part of the reason High Flyer Jetpack Tests frustrated me is the
controls. Instead of tilting like other games, there is an on screen
controller. I had to use my left hand to use it, and I am right handed.
I could not see where it was because my hand was over it. Add in the
long load times and I could see areas for improvement.
I learned to fall with style thanks to High Flyer Jetpack Tests. I also
learned that landing one of these things is harder than it looks. I
missed the landing way too often not being able to tell where I was
landing. I like the concept of High Flyer Jetpack Tests, and feel it
fits the iPhone/iPod Touch platform admirably.
- Luke
Graphics: 70%
Sound: 85%
Replay/Extras: 70%
Gameplay: 55%
Family Friendly Factor: 70%
System: iPhone/iPod Touch
Publisher: Game Mechanic Studios
Rating: ‘9+’ - 9+
{Infrequent/Mild Cartoon or Fantasy Violence}
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