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Angry Birds Trilogy




Angry Birds Trilogy 


Who does not know Angry birds? They are everywhere; in toys, stickers, pillows, cups, and now finally they are on the PS3, Xbox 360 and 3DS. Angry birds is a simple game yet so addictive. The objective is to eliminate the bad piggies with your angry birds (of course). Each level gets more difficult and you will need to use some strategy and critical thinking in order to beat some of the hardest levels.To be more specific about the objective, you are given a certain number of angry birds, each one have a special skill which must be used wisely; for example, the yellow birds can be accelerated to deal more damage while the black birds are powerful bombs. You use a slingshot to shot your birds into the pig's fortress and try to eliminate them.

Now, a lot of you out there who are into Angry Birds must be asking, what do I get with Angry Birds Trilogy? Well, if you expect something completely different then you will be disappointed. Angry Birds Trilogy is just that, Angry Birds, a lot of angry birds. You get 3 games, Angry Birds Classic, which is your old school angry birds, Angry birds seasons, which is angry birds in beautiful scenery such as Halloween, new year and others. Finally you get Angry Birds Rio, which is a little different from the others angry birds, instead of trying to eliminate the bad pigs, you try to free your fellow birds from their cages, hit monkeys and others fun objectives, this is based on the movie "rio". You do get bonus levels and new levels as well, which is a nice touch for hardcore fans, also you can use the Mighty Eagle to play, which is a huge eagle that will pretty much destroy everything.

Each game is packed with dozens of levels, so you get hundreds of levels total, believe me when I say there is a lot of angry birds in here. The graphics are crisp and vivid. Everything runs smoothly and I love the fact that restarting a level takes less than a second. The sound department is ok. You will listen to your typical angry birds soundtrack and sound effects. I think one of the strengths of this game, besides how smooth it runs, is the leaderboard and the ranking system. The leaderboard is great to keep track of your highscore and compare scores to other people, including your friends, this makes the game a little bit more dynamic.

One of the things I really wish they would is some kind of multiplayer, that would make this game 10 times more appealing, sadly we have none. You do get a little biography of each bird, which is a nice touch; the cutscenes are really well-made as well and they add that story feeling to the game.

Overall, there is nothing much more to say about Angry Birds trilogy, it is a well-made game but it adds pretty much nothing new to what we already know. If you are new to the series, this is a good way to start playing it, since you will get a lot of gameplay out of this, but if you already own Angry Birds in your iSO device, then it is really hard for me to recommend you to buy this since you will be getting pretty much the same game but a little bit smoother and prettier, (and of course you will be playing it on a TV) some bonus levels and extra features. I did enjoy my time with Angry Birds trilogy, it is a good game to play alone or even with family or friends if you want to compete to get the highest score; angry birds trilogy is that, angry birds multiply by 3, a lot of birds, and they are extremely angry. Family Friendly Gaming was provided a copy of this game for this review.
- Miluma


Graphics: 81%
Sound: 74%
Replay/Extras: 79%
Gameplay: 86%
Family Friendly Factor: 80%
System: Activision
Publisher: PS3/Xbox 360
ating: ‘E’ - Everyone
{Comic Mischief}

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